Tag Archives: Callaghan

Pushpay gets $960,000 R&D grant from Callaghan to help scale up payment platform

Pushpay Holdings has confirmed it is eligible for a $960,000 research and development grant from Callaghan Innovation that will help mobile payments app developer scale up the platform that allows US church congregations to easily make donations. “This funding provides additional resources to deliver scale and growth in the Pushpay platform through the development of new features, new markets, and scalable engineering processes and …

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Callaghan quizzed by MPs over ‘failures,’ grants to foreign companies

Callaghan Innovation, the government backed innovation hub, faced questions this week from opposition MPs about why it had funded companies that subsequently failed and gave grants to unprofitable subsidiaries of wealthy overseas firms, or local firms that moved offshore. Chair Sue Suckling, chief executive Mary Quin and chief financial officer Richard Perry were appearing before the parliament’s education and science select committee …

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Callaghan quizzed by MPs over ‘failures,’ grants to foreign companies

Callaghan Innovation, the government backed innovation hub, faced questions this week from opposition MPs about why it had funded companies that subsequently failed and gave grants to unprofitable subsidiaries of wealthy overseas firms, or local firms that moved offshore. Chair Sue Suckling, chief executive Mary Quin and chief financial officer Richard Perry were appearing before the parliament’s education and science select committee …

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Callaghan suspends R&D grant for first time, SFO informed

Callaghan Innovation has suspended a research and development growth grant to Trends Publishing International Ltd, the first time it’s done so, following an audit of its funding claims and referred the matter to the Serious Fraud Office. Trends got approval for a three-year Growth Grant in March this year and had received $332,966 before the grant was put on hold. Callaghan Innovation …

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Expat US high-tech leader comes home to head Callaghan Innovation

The government’s flagship innovation vehicle, Callaghan Innovation, will be led by Mary Quin. Described by Business, Innovation and Employment Minister Steven Joyce as “an exceptional New Zealander with an impressive track record of working in the US engineering and technology sector,” Quin trained as a material scientist, with a doctorate from Northwestern University, Illinois. A graduate of Canterbury University’s engineering …

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