Chief Financial Officer, Pingar
Tarun’s career was initially founded on more than a decade’s experience with several international accounting firms spanning corporate advisory, finance and recovery and audit disciplines. Thereafter he developed as a senior executive with over ten years’ experience in management covering Chief Financial Officer, commercial management, business development, mergers & acquisitions, governance, and strategy roles with the NZ arm of one of Australasia’s most recognised flagship multi-beverage consumer brands – Fosters Group (NZ).
Currently he is the Chief Financial Officer of evolutionary search technology software company, Pingar, where he assists in the commercial globalisation of this early stage business. In addition he holds two independent directorships: Chairman and Independent Director for the NZ Subsidiary of the Bank of India, who have operations in all parts of the world, and are establishing full banking operations in New Zeland; and Independent director for the Asia/Pacific businesses of a German based engineering company that services the rail, marine and naval markets globally.
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