David Caselli

david caselli

David Caselli

General Manager, Business Attraction & Investment, ATEED


David is the General Manager, Business Attraction and Investment, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED).

David’s background is in international business and investment banking. He has amassed a wealth of trade and investment experience through varied roles in the public and private sectors, leading trading and corporate finance companies in New Zealand and China.

David spent three years in China between 2009 and 2011. His business interests in China range from dairy farming, brand building, to marketing and developing distribution channels for food and beverages.

David was involved in both establishing new entities in China and partnering with local Chinese companies, all of this during a time when New Zealand oversaw the challenges of melamine contamination and first started importing live and fresh seafood under the new free trade agreement with China.

Prior to joining ATEED, David worked for MartinJenkins, I Grow and Garlick & Co.