Piers Morgan’s gun control interview ignites debate

An appearance by Alex Jones on Piers Morgan’s show has sparked debate after a lively exchange between the two media personalities on gun control. 

Jones was top of Twitter Wednesday evening following the show in which he presented Morgan with a petition signed by 100,000 Americans ordering Piers be deported from the United States in response to Morgan’s vocal anti-gun stance within the media.

Jones proceeded to rant at Piers for much of the remainder of the show, a hate-filled speech Morgan termed as “the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for.”

“That kind of vitriol, hatred, and zealotry is really quite scary. I didn’t feel threatened by him, but I’m concerned that someone like him has that level of influence,” Morgan said. “There’s got to be a level of discourse that can rise above what happened last night. It was undignified, unedifying.”

Today the White House responded to the petition, a move required when a petition reached in excess of 25,000 signatories. In a statement that surprised few, the White House held that any comments regarding the Second Amendment would not violate the First.

“Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment — or any other matter of public concern.”

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