The Icehouse will tack another medal onto an already-decorated body of work this week: Adherium will become the first of the incubator’s alumni to cross the listing threshold. A digital health technology company whose focus is to addresss the sub-optimal medication use in chronic disease, Adherium is now listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). On top of that, the company has secured a long-term supply agreement with one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, AztraZeneca.
“From an Icehouse milestone perspective, the listing is a significant achievement for all, including The Icehouse,” says Andy Hamilton, CEO at The Icehouse.
“The DNA of success for this company so far on its journey has been all about team to us- yes, there is technology, yes there is IP, yes there is investment- but in front of all of that there are the people who have brought the company to this point- thank you for letting the Icehouse be a part of it and we wish Adherium teh best for its listing and ongoing journey to make the lives of asthma, COPD and other sufferers that much better.”
The milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on how far the incubator has come since being established in August 22, 2001. Now harboring an alumni network of over 200 startups, the Icehouse can boast about:
- Job creation of over 1400 FTEs
- Revenues earned of over $800m
- Over $300m in funding raised
The Icehouse will expect these numbers to climb higher as it continues onward to its stated goal of a 10 per cent impact on GDP as measured by $20bn in incremental revenue and the creation of 25,000 new jobs by 2020.
Looking ahead, the incubator is hosting its fifth annual NZ Angel Investment Showcase, hosted at Spark City and featuring 12 startups pitching for investment. There’s also a partnership with Samsung in the form of the Samsung Springboard- an initiative with the aim of giving a boost to Kiwi tech companies, helping them get noticed, get access, and ultimately grow into global markets. Appliacations to take part close 20 September.